How to Practice Organic Farming
at Low Cost and Low Input of Labor
- OrganicRiceCultivationnurturingLife
- Organic Farming at Low Cost by Crop Rotation with Rice-Wheat-Soybeans-油脂作物
NPO CivilInstitute of Organic Rice Cultivation
Special Feature of Life-nurturing Organic Rice Cultivation&Organic Agriculture with Material Circulation
- This method resembles to S R I method in basic way of thinking. Differenceis while S R I practice use very young rice plants in shallow water,and have to enter the paddy field repeatedly to remove weeds, in our method, we transplant about 4.5 leave age rice plants in deep water condition, so that there is no weeds coming out, and accordingly, no need to enter the paddy field for weeding! It can be called “Japanese type S R I method”!
- Thismethodutilizes and keepstherichnatural environment, and biodiversity in Asia. It is the method to achieve stable, high yield without any use of chemical fertilizer or pesticides.
The Main Points for the Success
- Preparation of paddy field with banks and biotope which keeps deep water and the biodiversity.
- Soil preparation right after the harvest,& materialize the stable high yield by the use of fermented manure originated from soy beans.
- Preparationofhealthyseedlingat4.5leaveage with wide spacing.
- Weed control by paddling 1~3times under deep water condition.
- By sparse planting of grown rice seedlings to cultivate healthy rice plants, & materialize the rice cultivation without any use of pesticide!
- Control outbreak of insects in the paddy field with rich biodiversity.
- By the crop rotation of rice-wheat・canola-soybeanor soy bean-wheatweedsarecontrolled,nitrogenisfixed, materialize low cost production.
Organicfarmingwas used to betoughfightbyhandweeding,but,ifthebasictechniqueofourmethodis applied, itispossibletocontrolweeds&insects without any use of chemical fertilizer or pesticide, 100%organicproductionwithoutanycontaminationofpesticideatlowcost!
Life-nurturingOrganicAgriculture; Calendar of Activities
Bycreating Water Reservoir/Biotope, supply warm water& keep various living things!
Let us create paddy field where rich variety of microorganisms can multiply!
Where shortage of water is problem, Create water reservoir,in cold area, create water–warming system to provide warm water to the field, which at the same time, can serve as biotope! After transplanting rice, keep the water level above 7cm. In order to prevent growth of HIE, small amount of water is kept flowing! In middle to high mountain area, cold water should be warmed above 17℃ in order to prevent damage for low temperature. Water-warmingreservoir is needed. In warm water, rich biodiversity will control the harmful insects in the paddy field!

Water reservoir in Bhutan;It keeps water above 17°C, & 7㎝in the paddy field to control the weeds…

Example in HOKKAIDO where weeds are successfully controlled by keeping water temperature above 17℃ & keptflowing from the water reservoir with sun light
Soil preparation should start right after harvest!
Soil preparation should startright after the harvest. It is ideal to apply about 1 ton of well matured manure with fallen leaves as main ingredient, if possible, in order to improve soil fertility & keep the balance of minerals. In addition, fermented manure with rice branisapplied 100-200Kg/10 Are (This amount may change depending on the condition of soil;In general,rather large amount at the beginning of organic farming,then, gradually reduce the amount as the soil gets improved).Mix the manure with soil after shallow plowing, which promote propagation of Microorganisms in the soil & Formation of TOROTORO layer.
(for moisture control&supplyof nutrition &minerals)
(waste from TOFU making), Waste from BeerorSAKEmakingas nutrients

Method of raising seedling for organic rice cultivation without any use of pesticide(April~EarlyMay)
The fundamental condition for successful weed control is to grow big & healthy seedlings which have resistant power to insects & diseases and can grow in paddy under deep water management. Important point is to grow 4.5 leave age rice plant with wide spacing. Pot-type nursery bed is ideal,but, it is possible to grow 4.5 leave age plant in mat-type nursery bed if the amount of seeds to sow is under 80g/pot.

Seedling of 1 seeds sowing pot